“OVERCOME” in italiano


altre traduzioni

exceed overcome pass surpass get over overtake
win overcome conquer defeat beat vanquish
overcome surmount
overwhelm overcome overpower vanquish overbear knock out
defeat overcome overthrow discomfit
beat fly knock strike hit overcome



defeat beat conquer trounce thrash rout vanquish overwhelm overpower get the better of triumph over prevail over win over/against outdo outclass worst crush drub slaughter clobber hammer lick best crucify demolish wipe the floor with make mincemeat of blow out of the water take to the cleaners shellac skunk


overwhelmed emotional moved affected speechless


Even if they could overcome us, and I’m sure that was what they discussed so hotly, they couldn’t hold out very long in this trench.

Shrane threw up a protective shield around herself and the throne, grimacing in pain at the piece of her soul expended to overcome the magical wards of the throne room.

Didn’t she know she could overcome anything?

She may have overcome her initial struggles, but she still spent most of her life on the other side.

Back when he was trying to overcome his aphenphosmphobia, there was a time when he too had been a member of Bridges and had devoted his life to American reconstructionism.

Rew wasn’t sure how long it would take them to return, or how they would overcome the disruption to their lives, but he hoped they gave it time.

But I suppose the important thing is not trying to disprove my friend’s points, but to find a way to overcome them.

If they had really wanted to understand and overcome the Death Stranding, then they would have kept them all together.

He was overcome by a severe allergic reaction to the chiralium as per usual.

There were days when the whole train made hardly ten miles, and even these ten miles under difficulties which seemed impossible to overcome.

Citizens grew increasingly suspicious of one another and were overcome with anxiety.