“OTHERS” in italiano


altre traduzioni

others other's other people's


Others appeared at the entrances to the tunnels.

Others Diamond Eye lashed with his tail, batting them far into the air.

Others went even further than that.

Others had just as obviously never set eyes on it and looked at it as if they had no acquaintance with documents whatsoever.

Others looked scolded and ashamed—the locals.

Others had vanished, probably to similar fates.

Others did that long ago.

Others kept watch on it, documented and recorded the slow creep of the storm-dark out of its cage and wrung their hands without the first notion of what to do or what it meant, but it would be interesting to see it for herself.

Others will come once news of this reaches them.

Others would not leave their cages, so conditioned by fear they had become.

Others are ensconced in their trailers, no doubt moaning or playing cards or swapping tips about skin treatments, as actors do.