“NAUSEA” in italiano


altre traduzioni

nausea sickness disgust queasiness qualm



sickness biliousness queasiness vomiting retching gagging upset stomach travel-sickness seasickness carsickness airsickness


The nausea and chills he could endure, but it was the depression and suicidal urges that really got to him.

Waves of chills, nausea and dizziness washed over Igor, combining with the smell of the ocean.

Maybe the headache and nausea were caused by all the filth that had clung to him.

’ And he half-listened as she told him how breathlessness and nausea and splitting heads had blighted everyone until the alchemist started making his potions.

His flesh flashed cold with every step and waves of chills and nausea assaulted him.

He lay on his side and waited for his senses to return, panting lightly to lessen his nausea.

Nesta’s stomach clenched, nausea sliding through her.

Her father, with his soft brown eyes, the love for her still shining in them as their light faded—Nesta jolted awake, nausea rippling through her as she grasped at the sheets.

As Sam woke up in his private room, he felt a slight headache and a little nausea.

Then came the alternating chills and nausea.