“MINOR” in italiano


altre traduzioni

less minor lower lesser smaller younger
secondary minor second side
meno importante
minor juvenile



slight small unimportant insignificant inconsequential inconsiderable subsidiary negligible trivial trifling paltry petty nickel-and-dime piffling piddling de minimis


child infant youth adolescent teenager boy girl kid kiddie


Besides, Borne had been encroaching on him in minor ways for a minute now, trying him on the low, annoying him like a gnat.

Each evening, Anne would make a quick circuit, healing the minor injuries and encouraging them.

Qurion filled in a confidential military message form and passed it on to the magister who manned the sending desk, a minor talent whose sole gift had been trained to serve the machines.

He moved his head back, the muscles in his neck spasming in minor jolts of protest at the motion, and he saw the boy was breathing evenly, his skin bare and smooth, just a long, pale line where he’d been torn open.

He wondered who was luckier, the newly made modalmen, who might live ten thousand years but would never recall themselves, or himself, who wielded the power of a minor god at the cost of his life.

The votes were barely begun, when a minor commotion began at the back of the hall.

”The trip alone was of minor importance.

The stairs were slippery in the rain, doubled back awkwardly on themselves, and had no railing, all minor details of Mogawn’s formidable defensive architecture, but the captain had ridden his dracon to their summit nonetheless, and stood dismounted holding its bridle.

We’ve brought him in for contributing to the delinquency of a minor quite a few times, but he always manages to beat that shit.

I agree these are trying times, but the Drowned King is not the ruler of some minor kingdom to be fobbed off with excuses and insincere apologies, and he will certainly not accept a simple reiteration of arguments he has already stated he regards as non-valid.

Both armies were armed and armoured the same way, with only minor variation, and there were similar numbers on each side.