“MACHINE” in italiano


altre traduzioni

machine car machinery engine motor
print print out imprint publish impress machine
lavorare a macchina



powerhouse human dynamo wonder phenomenon sensation automaton


“The machine is a thing of war, made by the young masters, the Morfaan as you call them.

At that distance it was obvious it was no living insect, but a tiny machine similar to Onder in miniature, with a body made of brass and wing casings of iridescent silver.

He searched it out, finding it atop a modest crystal spire fronted by an inexplicable machine.

Sam was seized by the thought that his body had become their machine.

”Onder returned with a small machine clasped in a number of its limbs, a jug in another, water in a flawless glass in a third, and a small casket in a fourth.

This machine fell upon it.

” said Zeruvias, indicating the rusted iron creatures clinging to the Morfaan machine.

The machine appeared bent double at first, before Rel saw that it was not humanoid, but insectile, with a domed carapace and many limbs.

It descended and touched down between Rel and the dying, half-transformed man, where it solidified into the machine body of Qurunad, the Brass God.

In gaps and vents in the machine’s surfaces the tell-tale glow of glimmer shone, but the light was far purer, and the machine far more elegant, than those employed by mankind.

Again Rel noted that he did not behave like a machine but like a living being.