“LIGHTING” in italiano


altre traduzioni

lighting illumination lightness flash of inspiration
ignition lighting firing kindling





” Gwyn smiled again, eyes lighting with pride.

It dived beneath the water, down until it reached the bottom, and in the depths there purple lightning flashed, dim and distant and full of sullen purpose, lighting the black water.

” Cal gave him a knuckle bump, then walked off, lighting another cigarette.

He blew into the fire and made it blaze up, lighting up the whole surroundings.

It played with them, lighting the sands with fire, leaving cherry-glowing glass, forcing riders to turn away and then turn again, boxing one in and making the box smaller and smaller until there was nowhere left to go and the rider simply stopped and waited for the end.

And it wasn’t the lighting that made him look sick.

” He appeared thoughtful for a moment, his eyes lighting before he added, “Though I doubt that you’ll survive a lesson with him, when you can’t manage to walk down a hundred stairs without being so sore the next morning that you’re unable to get out of your chair.

Sivan was already there, flitting from wall to wall, lighting lamps while the sword-slaves poked and prodded Tsen as far as a soft couch.

” He laughed while lighting his pipe.

The dawn sun shone across the storm-dark, lighting its swirling cloud with apocalyptic orange.

”The iridescence filled her, filled Feyre, filled the bundle in Mor’s arms, lighting his friend’s face so the shock on it was etched in stark relief.