“LEATHER” in italiano


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di cuoio
leather leathern


He bent and felt the two daggers that stuck up from the sides of his calf-high leather boots.

”Pursing his lips, Raif moved on from the chainmail and the shining steel helmets to the sets of tough, leather gear that were stacked beside the steel.

” a guy in a black leather jacket shouts.

When his head cleared, he found some fine silk shirts big enough to fit him and a pair of strong leather boots that weren’t but had decent soles.

The leather sheath bounced against his back as he cinched it tight.

She wasn’t wearing leather.

Shoals of seahorses accompanied some as gaudy pets, while anguillon elvers glided at the sides of others upon leashes fashioned from their parent’s leather.

” All of this was said while shoving himself into his shirt, leather jacket, and boots.

His tall, leather boots padded across the soil without making a mark.

It was late, and all but a single wooden desk with a leather top was dark.

Anne moved down the aisle, passing out of sight, and Rew turned to see Jon haggling with a cobbler over a pair of soft leather boots.