“LAMP” in italiano


altre traduzioni

lamp light
bulb lamp torch
light lamp
lamp oil lamp
lamp street lamp
light lamp headlight



light lantern floor lamp table lamp bedside lamp banker's lamp gooseneck lamp chandelier gasolier candelabra Tiffany lamp floodlight spotlight strobe light arc lamp fluorescent lamp track lights lava lamp sunlamp flashlight streetlight streetlamp Chinese lantern Japanese lantern storm lantern hurricane lamp oil lamp kerosene lamp Coleman lamp


hobble walk with a limp walk lamely walk unevenly walk haltingly hitch falter stumble lurch


Why did you install the lamp in the sun?

She removed large parts of the bronze with a magister’s saw, another fabulously expensive device, to open the sun up so that it would take a glimmer lamp.

Another peal of thunder rang from above, and Rew saw a shopkeeper throw up his hands, snuff out the match he’d been about to light his lamp with, and storm inside his shop, closing the door behind him.

Qurion yanked her back, but the Tyn had intentions only on Mansanio, who they tormented until a burly villager came rushing in, and uncapped the lens of a powerful bulls-eye glimmer lamp.

’ He paused and then picked up the lamp again and looked about, nervous as a thieving child.

’The alchemist set down his lamp and stood over her for a moment, a silent shape in the gloom.

The lamp sat behind a protective cage of thick glass and iron bars bolted to the wall; more of Trassan’s cautious engineering.

Barefoot, she softly treads to the front parlor and turns on the floor lamp.

Dylan shut the door and turned on the desk lamp.

A nervous sailor poked his head into the hold, a glimmer lamp held in one hand, a gaff in the other.

Judy stood on the shore, one hand on a hip, another blocking the glare of the single lamp on the dock.