“KINESIS” in italiano



Whereas Ellis concentrates on the music, I want to keep emphasising that in dance the rhythm and kinesis of the dance itself is integral to the iridescences that are built up to mix, mingle, and converge.

The centripetal tendency of closure merges with the centrifugal radiation of the art symbol to unify singularity with multiplicity, stasis with kinesis , and imagination with reality.

In the end, I found it kind of unsatisfying: less overhead control than simple fiction, less interactivity than roleplaying, less kinesis than film… paid well, but it never really clicked for me and I drifted away from the contract pool.

Any possible kinesis would have been limited to the premaxilla and maxilla.

The action of the jaws linkage during cranial kinesis is to transmit ventral jaw rotation into maxillary rotation for the purpose of protruding the premaxilla forward toward the prey.