“HUNTING” in italiano


altre traduzioni

hunting hunt chase game shooting gunning
search research investigation quest study hunting





chase stalk pursue course run down track trail follow hound shadow predate tail


His hunting knife was heavy and curved, useless for throwing, so he dropped it.

He felt the bone hilt of his hunting knife, barely above the monster’s arm, and yanked it free.

When the packs were ready, Dobbs and Curtin went hunting to get sufficient meat for the trip.

Believe me, the last thing you want to do is go anywhere near the hunting grounds of a forest drake.

Are the Elemental Men not hunting you every bit as hard as they hunt me?

They didn’t know much about hunting.

A long, curved hunting knife hung on his belt, and he was fumbling with a longsword, trying to position it over his shoulder beside his pack where he could draw it.

He picked his way through the rock pools, hunting for shellfish and guzzling them raw where he found them.

He reversed his grip on his hunting knife and stabbed it into the neck of another narjag that was attempting to sneak up on him.

’Zafir didn’t see the Elemental Men vanish into the night but Diamond Eye felt their thoughts rush away into the wind, full of hunting and sharp blades and the tang of death.

The last narjag charged him, and he casually brushed aside its spear and whipped his hunting knife forward, burying it in the Dark Kind’s chest.