“HELPLESS” in italiano


altre traduzioni

helpless defenseless unprotected undefended naked defenceless
senza aiuto
unaided helpless
weak faint feeble dim weakly helpless



dependent incapable powerless impotent weak defenseless vulnerable exposed unprotected open to attack paralyzed disabled


He was as helpless as a ham passed from butcher to goodwife.

My people are not helpless.

No, she wouldn’t end like this, helpless as she’d been that day against the Cauldron—Lips and teeth collided with her mouth, and she screamed as the kelpie kissed her.

Twice he tumbled towards the storm-dark below, helpless and dazed and dazzled with pain, mind ragged and jumbled and askew, and twice Zafir had screamed him back.

Sam felt completely helpless.

Against your device and the baron’s wraiths, a city may be entirely helpless.

He saw a hatchling struck again and again by Taiytakei wands until it crashed into the dragon yard, and then a dozen soldiers struck it with more lightning from the air, over and over, keeping it writhing and helpless while three men on the ground with ashgars clubbed at its head.

Who believed they’d find an untrained, helpless female and found death waiting for them before the archway.

’ Better to die on the back of a dragon than helpless and alone.

He felt helpless and his body wouldn’t stop trembling.

”She looked toward the camp and saw the other captain tied to a tree, and all the Indians bound with ropes and lying helpless on the ground.