Olive trees planted in full sun look their best surrounded by scented herbs and silver-grey Mediterranean plants: helichrysum , lavender and rosemary.
For more foliage interest, the designers added ‘Tuscan Blue’ rosemary and bronze flax (both mostly vertical), plus lavender, thyme, helichrysum , lamb's ears, and other plants with a more mounding habit.
All the plants are new with the exception of a helichrysum which has made it through two winters with only a little frost damage to the ends of its long stems.
After revealing I had permanently frozen feet and a persistently runny nose, I lay down flat on the bed while Julie dabbed helichrysum - a soothing, healing flower essence - on all the acupuncture points she was going to use.
These helichrysums are grown for their soft decorative foliage and produce masses of the stuff within weeks of being planted out.