“HATRED” in italiano


altre traduzioni

hatred hate dislike odium detestation
envy hatred spite malice



loathing hate detestation dislike distaste abhorrence abomination execration aversion hostility ill will ill feeling enmity animosity antipathy revulsion disgust contempt odium


The One’s desire to fill the void grew to a hard hatred of his first child, and his struggle took on the nature of a war.

She’s still in the shade of Suscutin, and that must help to keep their hatred alive.

Had she been any better than Bellius, drunk and simmering with hatred for months?

At first, she only felt despair, but eventually, the level of hatred she had developed for her sister had grown to match it.

Neither Sam nor anyone else had any right to criticize Cliff’s hatred.

In its place, fast expanding to take up the emptiness, was black, viscose hatred of everyone who had ever lost their skin and thought it no big deal.

The wild hatred in his gaze seared her.

There is no getting around such hatred.

Her hatred for Bridges, who also hid information from her, grew too.

There was nothing but hatred in his expression.

Nothing in her heart but love and hatred and fury as she let go of everything inside her and the entire world exploded.