“HAPPINESS” in italiano


altre traduzioni

happiness joy felicity joyousness
joy happiness



pleasure contentment satisfaction cheerfulness merriment gaiety joy joyfulness joviality jollity glee delight good spirits lightheartedness well-being enjoyment exuberance exhilaration elation ecstasy jubilation rapture bliss blissfulness euphoria transports of delight Hollywood ending


He couldn’t just think about this small bone of happiness that had been thrown to him, he had to think about the bigger picture, and the bigger prize that lay farther ahead.

At twenty-one, Feyre had saved their world, mated, and found true happiness.

He remembered her, how beautiful that moment had been, how perfect, how it had seemed that the world could do whatever it wanted and they’d meet it head on, the two of them hand in hand together, the happiness of that evening an armour as unbreakable as the Sun King’s coat of burning mail.

The two of them laughed and shared each other’s happiness.

But even though Sam couldn’t make out the particulars of his face, he could still recognize the happiness and excitement exuding from him.

Whichever way you look at it, there is no happiness in it.

What greater thing can you gain from life than happiness?

She couldn’t stand the relief and happiness in Feyre’s eyes.

Even if there is love in the relationship, you are responsible for someone else’s happiness.

And happiness for the alchemist who would surely go too.

You now own the rich mine, and no longer will happiness be yours.