“GRIMACING” in italiano




scowl frown sneer glower lower make a face make faces


Each pull had Nesta panting against the pain until Gwyn cleared the cliff edge, grimacing as the arrow through her thigh touched the ground.

Pathetic for now being unable to walk so much as a step without grimacing.

“Nobles,” said Rew, grimacing and making to spit but stopping himself with a glance at Anne.

Nesta eased into the bath, grimacing as the water stung her wounds.

”Az sniffed as well, grimacing.

Shrane threw up a protective shield around herself and the throne, grimacing in pain at the piece of her soul expended to overcome the magical wards of the throne room.

In Falvar, in the heart of a conspiracy… He sighed and turned to his bedroll, stretching it across a flat bit of rock, grimacing at the sharp pebbles he felt underneath of it.

Adamanka Shrane got up from her morning prayers grimacing at the throb in her limbs.

That he’d gone through the exercises without grimacing had caused some intrinsic part of her to sigh with relief—and dare ask him to join her today.