“GLOWING” in italiano


altre traduzioni

radiant glowing
resplendent bright glowing



bright shining radiant glimmering flickering twinkling incandescent luminous luminescent lit (up) lighted illuminated ablaze aglow smoldering


radiance glow


shine radiate gleam glimmer flicker flare luminesce


The Tyn looked directly at Filden, eyes glowing like torches in the dark either side of its long nose.

The engineer looked out at the Sisters’ fires glowing balefully on the horizon.

They zoomed by, so close some sparked against the stones, leaving glowing dust in their wake.

Tucking the bracelet and glowing charm into her sleeve to hide its gleam in the dimness.

A glowing cloud detached itself from the summit and flew unerringly for the moot ground.

”“Oh, no,” Emerie said, eyes glowing.

He hadn’t thought much of it, scrambling round the rim, but the eyrie was lit up now by a light brighter than any full moon – the light of the glasships clustered above, a hundred of them jostling for space, their lightning-cannon edges glowing bright white, illuminating each other and the dragon yard below.

Sensing their revenge was at hand, they poured out of the glowing rent in his arm and swarmed around him in loops, their mouths open in silent shrieks, before plunging back into his spiritual form where they raced the immortal circuits of his soul.

All she knew was screaming as she clutched Briallyn’s face, the Crown glowing blindingly white, and roared her fury to the mountains, to the stars, to the dark places between them.

”Gwyn lowered her hands, noted the lack of glowing power in Nesta’s eyes, and sighed in relief.

They were glowing brilliant silver now.