”But Cassian made a contemplative noise, gesturing to the other half of the ring.
”Rhys snorted, gesturing to one of the blossoming trees above them, petals falling thick as snow.
“Where did you—““Your friend the spellcaster told me to use this as a last resort,” snarled Balzac, gesturing with the orb and raising his crossbow menacingly.
”“In with the nobles,” said Jon, gesturing at the shroud across the room.
”A man broke away from the others and came to stand over the captives, gesturing at the prone trio with a bit of dried meat he’d been chewing on.
“Well, it’s nice to meet another female who’s not obsessed with marriage and baby-making,” Emerie said, sitting at the table and gesturing for Nesta to do the same.
”“They’re not hunting very effectively,” said Raif with a grin, gesturing at the dead bodies.
“Stay back,” snarled Baron Fedgley from before his throne, gesturing wildly at his daughter.
He walked along the line of enchanters as though inspecting them, now and then shaking his head and gesturing to their glass screens until he was content, and Liang had to wonder what he was doing until at last she understood.
”“Check the baths as well,” said Commander Broyce, gesturing with his coffee cup.
” She lifted her hands, gesturing around her.