“FEWER” in italiano


altre traduzioni

less fewer



not many hardly any scarcely any a small number of a small amount of one or two a handful of little


Their hulls were tall and strong, finely shaped and smoothed, fit to survive the rigours of a direct crossing of the southern ocean, a feat few had attempted and fewer survived.

If you use your gift wisely, it will be fewer than if you do not.

There were few practitioners who had the strength to take on the pain from a wound like what the boy suffered, and amongst those, there were even fewer who could be convinced to actually do it.

Ron caught himself craving an edition of Thump with fewer rough edges, with a chiseled jaw cleanly shaven, a mouth blessed by orthodontia and the good sense never to say “fuck” in public.

They continued, with even fewer people involved than before.

But you need more ‘music’ and fewer numbers.

but it’s one thorn fewer to prick at my killers.

If they were vicious enough on Rikers Island, then their name would precede them and their problems would be fewer when they got up there to the real doghouse.

It takes fewer men to hold a castle than you’d think.

Consequently the fathers found every day fewer men willing to work here just for the grace of the Lord.

Of the hundred seats, fewer than half were occupied.