“EVIDENCE” in italiano


altre traduzioni

test proof try evidence trial examination
evidence emphasis obviousness plainness blatancy
testimony witness evidence proof demonstration deposition
demonstration proof evidence demo show



proof confirmation verification substantiation corroboration affirmation attestation


indicate show reveal display exhibit manifest testify to confirm prove substantiate endorse bear out evince


Aarin’s guards took him down the long column, and it became apparent the massive rearguard was a militia, poorly equipped and ordered, for toward the front greater organisation was in evidence.

Sam would have to try and conceal all evidence of his presence to escape past them.

Trying to leave scant evidence of her passing as she scaled a particularly steep hill and surveyed the terrain beyond.

Besides, assuming he was the spellcaster that had portaled into the wilderness, they’d seen evidence of what he was capable of on the other side of the Spine.

Whether or not the options seemed likely, there was evidence that something of the sort had occurred.

He’d seen evidence in the pass, but from there, the signs vanished.

This would have been evidence that soldiers were in the trench, and the bandits might have been induced to leave rather than take up battle.

The Dark Kind were traveling in small groups, but the rangers were seeing evidence that dozens, maybe hundreds, of the foul monsters were headed due north, just as they were.

Hard evidence that despite all the grimy capers Priest had pulled, all the prey he’d bitten, and all the upstate prison time he’d served, that somehow God had favored him and allowed him to redeem himself and do something right.

Now, that might not seem so strange since we know that the dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago, but in reality there isn’t that much fossil evidence left behind that shows them living all the way to the end of that period.

It was all evidence that pointed toward her being dead.