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Filden cocked his pistol, the precision engineering rendering the action soundless.
Chemical engineering wasn’t a turtle, a surfing technique she perfected early on where she’d roll her board in front of an oncoming wave to get under it.
Joy was majoring in chemical engineering and had just nabbed the last table at an off-campus coffee shop to study for her physics final.
The rough character of the gateway was at odds with the precise engineering of the vault, and a sickening, unvarying wind blew through the grille, warm as breath.
I know a bit of engineering.
”“Magical engineering is not as straightforward as what you may think,” said Hissenwar.
However, unlike Vand, who needed approval and praise, and pursued his engineering and archeological plundering for the acclaim as much as the wealth, for Filden money was a greater motivator than any form of respect, whether given or received.
Graduate with a degree in chemical engineering.
Ardovani could do things Bannord could not, feats of magic and engineering that were as practical as they were amazing, and the weapon he carried was the most powerful device she had ever seen.
He was always more interested in engineering than I was, but we shared a passion for faraway places, and tall tales.
The lamp sat behind a protective cage of thick glass and iron bars bolted to the wall; more of Trassan’s cautious engineering.