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One of the many staring faces, a woman, split from ear to ear, becoming one giant mouth.
”She tucked a strand of hair behind an arched ear.
” He breathed his menace into the struggling man’s ear.
Her lips were as red as ripe cherries and a second line of red crossed her face from side to side, ear to eyes to ear.
She’d let him get close, let him think her strength had failed, and then clamped her teeth down on his ear.
The word floated from the depths of Nesta’s memory, voiced by a watery-eyed music tutor who’d quickly declared Nesta hopeless at singing or playing, but in possession of an unusually fine ear.
Closer in, he picked out the black spires of the enchanter monoliths around the Visonda landing fields; and then, in what seemed no time at all, they were on the landing fields themselves and Sivan was hissing in his ear as they lined up with other gangs of slaves to walk into the gondolas of three great glasships.
He reached out and stroked a strand of hair away from her ear.
Her voice punched into his ear and he buried his face into the pillow.
”Cassian tapped a spot on his neck where a scar slashed beneath his ear.
“Merit, I suppose,” said Cinda, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.