“DYING” in italiano


altre traduzioni

dying moribund



terminally ill at death's door on one's deathbed near death fading fast expiring moribund not long for this world in extremis on one's last legs having one foot in the grave


death demise passing loss of life quietus decease


pass away pass on lose one's life expire breathe one's last meet one's end meet one's death lay down one's life perish go the way of all flesh go to one's last resting place go to meet one's maker cross the great divide slip away give up the ghost kick the bucket croak buy it turn up one's toes cash in one's chips bite the big one check out buy the farm depart this life


She was sitting in front of the dying fire, letting the glowing red embers warm her toes.

And he remembered now that he had drunk water hastily without first crossing himself, because it had been very hot and he was thirsty, as he had given all the water they carried in pumpkin bottles to his wife and his son, who were dying in the heat.

Then, he continued the motion and skewered another, twisting the dying creature’s body as he ran past and jerking his blade free.

You dying or living or what?

“I’m dying.

He may have seemed fine on the outside, but he felt like he was dying inside.

If the stories were true then these guardians of the Dralamut carried within them the life-sparks of dying navigators, not of slaves.

To stiffen her resolve, Katriona held in her mind the children toiling their lives away in factories, the families starving as they worked themselves to death, the workers dying from the filth they lived in.

It was a funeral for a dying America.

Captain Gage, following quietly in his wake, gaped like a dying fish at the wreckage in the room.

It had chosen its dying and chosen the place of it, the place where Diamond Eye had killed the Watcher, the earth-touched who had sent Tuuran to watch over the echo of the Black Moon.