“DROWN” in italiano


altre traduzioni

drown sink



suffocate in water inhale water go to a watery grave


She could drown in him.

For a moment again, all her anger wasn’t enough to drown out the fear.

He felt that he would drown in those eyes, which were deeper than any sea.

Sam was engulfed and began to drown in the sky.

He needs to get Joy out of his head, and the only way he sees how is to drown in someone else.

Before he went into the Prison and confinement weakened him, Lanthys could turn into wind and rip the air from your lungs, or turn into rain and drown you on dry land; he could peel your skin from your body with a few movements.

She would even say that he kissed better than he could sing, and if she wasn’t careful, she could drown in his kisses.

The thought was one she tried to drown in liquor and music and cards, as often as she used those things to quell that writhing power deep inside.

The horror of it is the last thing you see before they drown you in the bog.

That night the tide was due to drown the causeway, though not lift the castle.

Though he supposed a night trying to drown oneself in wine and liquor never left anyone looking particularly good the next morning.