“DRAWN” in italiano


altre traduzioni

tense stretched aimed taut tight drawn



pinched haggard drained wan hollow-cheeked fatigued tired exhausted tense stressed strained worried anxious harassed fraught hassled


sketch make a drawing (of) delineate outline draft rough out illustrate render represent trace portray depict


And stepped beyond the line she’d drawn to meet her enemy.

Alsayer raised his hands, turning them as if to inspect them for blood, and replied, “Everyone is going to be drawn in, cousin.

High magic is drawn from the strength of one’s blood.

“One of them or their minions attached a rather clever beacon to me, and until I can figure out how to slip it, the Dark Kind will be relentlessly drawn to me.

“High magic is drawn from the spellcaster,” said the arcanist.

You think Worgon has been drawn into this competition amongst the princes… But why?

Or, it could have been the incredible whoosh of air being drawn into the armory and the rib-rattling thump that resounded through the building as that air ignited.

The drowned around the air bubble collapsed, their ghosts drawn toward the rift.

“Whatever Fedgley’s designs, if the storm of the Investiture has made it to his barony, he and all of his people are going to be drawn in.

“I don’t mean to be drawn into the noble’s twisted games any more than you do, but I cannot sit here on the fringe of the realm when people need me.

Each spike was topped with a tiny sapphire, as if the spikes were so sharp they’d pierced the sky and drawn cobalt blood.