“DISAPPOINTMENT” in italiano


altre traduzioni

disappointment letdown frustration anticlimax
disappointment chagrin



sadness regret dismay sorrow dispiritedness despondency distress chagrin disenchantment disillusionment displeasure dissatisfaction disgruntlement


Sam’s disappointment in the weapon mixed with feelings of pity and sympathy for the BT.

To his disappointment he found that a part of him, right now, was very keen indeed on the coward’s way.

It would be such a shame for you to have come all this way for only one reason and then to have to leave with disappointment as your only reward.

They can push aside the disappointment.

He felt a wistful pang of regret tinged with disappointment and murderous anger.

It was one way—the only way—Jack didn’t see Dylan as a disappointment.

Amelie’s expression betrayed a flicker of disappointment.

Was she any different than she’d been this summer, when she and Amren had fought on the barge, and Amren’s utter disappointment in her failure to be anything had surfaced at last?

It had taken walking these same streets after Rhys had been imprisoned by Amarantha—after Rhys sacrificed so much to shield this city, and seeing the disappointment and fear in so many faces—to make Cassian realize what a fool he’d been.

He looks at her with love and worry swirling in an elixir of frustration and disappointment.

She feels elated, which isn’t anywhere near the disappointment she felt at the end of her road trip across country.