“DEAD” in italiano


altre traduzioni

dead died defunct slack breathless
deceased late dead defunct
deceased dead
off turned off extinct dull dead faded
fuori uso
down dead antiquated
insensitive insensible callous unfeeling indifferent dead
perfect flawless complete faultless absolute dead
complete full all entire whole dead



passed on/away expired departed gone no more late lost lamented perished fallen slain slaughtered killed murdered lifeless extinct (as) dead as a doornail six feet under pushing up daisies deceased with God asleep


completely absolutely totally utterly deadly perfectly entirely quite thoroughly definitely certainly positively categorically unquestionably undoubtedly surely in every way one hundred percent


The day Aarin saw him striding across the rocky plain, the King was still a giant, still made up of a thousand dead men.

As long as they haven’t found his carcass, they can’t even prove that he’s dead.

And Baros Tsen T’Varr is dead.

Under the wrathful gaze of their rotting monarch, the dead regrouped, and recommenced their march.

No one was left in the room but a son who had just returned from the world of the dead and an aged mother who was about to depart for it.

The gates of the dead faded out of the sky.

Coronas of energy flared around them, warding away the vengeful dead.

’ He rolled the dead man over and lifted him so he was sitting against the wall and then opened the dead man’s mouth and upended a thimble of black treacle-like ooze over the dead lips until it fell in one sticky gobbet onto the dead man’s tongue.

Dead slaves were simply thrown over the side or fed to the dragon and a good few of the men who’d died before she’d come had gone that way too, but the rest of the Taiytakei dead waited here, to be burned one day with all due funerary dignity or else hung by the ankles from the spires of Khalishtor for the world to see.

Anne would have seen the scores of dead bodies on her way in.

He had DOOMS and the exceedingly rare ability to repatriate from the dead.