“CRYSTAL” in italiano


altre traduzioni

crystal glass
di cristallo



watch crystal watch glass


Zafir saw a flash and heard the first futile clap of lightning as the crystal order of the eyrie shattered into howling burning chaos.

Then, the crystal shattered.

29ConsequencesRed Lin Feyn sat on her crystal throne in the splendour of her court and listened to her killers while she waited to receive Sea Lord Shonda of Vespinarr.

She jumped up like a jack-in-the-box and opened it and an old Taiytakei shuffled in carrying a silver tray and a crystal bottle.

Cakes and cups besieged a small glimmer lamp, whose crystal pendants tinkled with the crossing of every rail joint.

“I expanded on my research, though, and created the crystal you saw in my foyer.

When the crystal was destroyed, Alsayer attacked your parents, killing your mother, capturing your father, and escaping through a portal.

“The crystal out in your foyer,” said Rew.

A band of river cut through dense forest, the water reflecting like crystal in the morning sun.

Whatever words passed between them were lost to the wind, and then the Arbiter turned, walked into the gondola and took her place on her crystal throne at the head of Mai’Choiro’s table.

It was a slick, angular thing made of hi-tech black and clear panels, looking more like a star or crystal formation than any umbrella Sam had ever seen.