“CREPT” in italiano


altre traduzioni

crawl creep slither drag grovel scrape
insinuate suggest creep infer insert insinuate oneself
shudder shiver thrill creep
avanzare furtivamente
procedere lentamente
essere servile
creep cringe
avere la pelle d'oca



tiptoe steal sneak slip slink sidle pad edge inch skulk prowl


She sat beside her dragon and dozed a little while as the sun crept higher, and when the warmth became stifling, she flew him in a long gentle circuit of the storm-dark.

Sam crept up the spiral staircase.

And it always took her a moment to regulate her heart rate, or to cool the blush heating her skin as it crept up her neck.

’They crept through the dawn light, past the sleepy-eyed watchmen and on down the length of the island, stopping often behind outcrops of rock or deep in the undergrowth, pressed into the shadows, picking their way around sentries and patrols.

Some djinn crept past your snoring watchman in the night and swapped my back for a pain-soaked plank of wood .

The instinct crept up, a rising wave, each word selected to slice and wound.

When he was done, he crept back to Tuuran and their gully and waited for the sun to rise.

”He crept over to the nearest post, keeping out of sight behind lumps of masonry.

Sand had crept into his ill-fitting too-tight black silks too.

He had a strange sense then that, if he’d wanted, he could have crept on further among the sleeping Taiytakei and cut them all, one after another until every man was his.

How he’d crept up, how he’d survived given the gash running down the side of his face—He noted her own wounds, her nakedness beneath the coat, the bare legs and the boots.