“COMPLETELY” in italiano


altre traduzioni

completely fully entirely all thoroughly wholly
del tutto
completely all quite fully altogether wholly
completely richly quite



totally entirely wholly thoroughly fully utterly absolutely perfectly unreservedly unconditionally quite altogether downright in every way in every respect one hundred percent every inch to the hilt dead deadly to the max


”From that wicked grin, she knew he meant completely naked.

Feyre had always been that way: completely uninterested in the rules that governed their lives, uninterested in becoming a true lady who would help advance their family’s fortunes through an advantageous marriage.

Although it hadn’t struck completely out of thin air.

Once the rain weakened and the skies ahead became whiter, the Odradek fell completely still and Sam could finally relax.

The weight and significance of the action was completely different from last time.

They were completely opposed to the resurrection of such a system, especially when it had already collapsed.

If he thought he needed them, then it seemed like he knew all too well that he couldn’t completely alienate himself from the rest of the world forever.

People’s opinions of Fragile Express had completely polarized.

Dobbs has lost his head so completely that he can’t use it any longer.

The air in his lungs had been completely knocked out and he couldn’t even groan in pain.

“I can provide protection for your ears, so you need not lose your hearing completely.