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“If the baron is capable of commanding a wraith, don’t you think… Ah, but you’ve no desire to get involved, do you?
Narjags are disagreeable and fractious creatures, and without a valaan commanding them, they don’t stay together long.
“Fifty years ago… As I said, no one knows who was commanding those foul armies during the last war.
Then he brought it back down, silently commanding his soldiers.
“There are further stipulations in the decree commanding you and you servants off the isle until it is safe, but I suppose you won’t pay any attention to them, so I won’t bother informing you.
He departed from the manuscript’s advice in only one way: he fought on the front lines with his soldiers, rather than commanding from the rear.
Sam could hear a commanding voice in the distance, but he couldn’t tell who it belonged to.
She sits on my lap and pulls my head against her chest, commanding the situation, yet moving just softly enough that I don’t resist.
”“My commanding officer told me you had been written to.
It echoed around his grand chamber, commanding response, at odds with his dwarfish body.