“CHEWING” in italiano


altre traduzioni

chewing mastication



chew mastication


munch chomp champ crunch nibble gnaw eat consume masticate manducate


He’d never heard of pashbahla and had no idea what it was until he found a memory of a leaf, long and thin and a deep dark red and knew that chewing it or brewing an infusion gave a man enough energy to feel he could do anything.

Rew sliced another hunk from his apple and popped it into his mouth, chewing loudly.

A kettle of tea, a leathery pancake, and a piece of dried meat which needed constant chewing.

The man’s jaw bunched, as if he was chewing the thought over.

He was still chewing on strips of dried meat.

” Fragile said, chewing on the cryptobiote and looking Sam straight in the eye.

While sitting there chewing the tortillas, which under these conditions tasted none too good, the three suddenly stopped, held their breath, stiffened their bodies, and listened.

”A man broke away from the others and came to stand over the captives, gesturing at the prone trio with a bit of dried meat he’d been chewing on.

Gee, fellers, tell you the naked goddamned truth, I was already chewing earth between my teeth, and that’s the damned truth, it sure is.

He shook with terror, chewing at his cracked lips like an animal caught in a trap.

She was sitting up in bed, chewing on a cryptobiote.