“BOARDS” in italiano


altre traduzioni

boards boarding planking chess
stage boards board



plank beam panel slat batten timber lath


get on go aboard enter mount ascend embark emplane entrain catch hop on


At the sight of him damp warmth leaked out of Fulx, wetting the cage boards.

The whole patio was surrounded by shacks made of boards of the cheapest sort, which were weather-beaten, cracked, and rotten.

A bunch of keys clanked on the boards.

Carrying lumber, hoisting it high up for the derrick to be built, and hanging often for minutes like monkeys with only one hand on a beam, or holding on with one leg snake-fashion around a rope and grasping heavy boards swinging out that had to be hauled in to be riveted or bolted, he risked his life twenty times every day, and all for eight dollars.

Whatever guy Joy fell for had better love music and boards and adventure.

We stand under the row of boards and I find the next one to Bristol Temple Meads.

The bars were too tightly spaced to stick a backside through, and the boards there were thick with matter.

A few rooms containing old dilapidated beds were separated by cracked boards from the other rooms.

The beetle had gone, leaving the filthy boards empty.

” The Sniffer knelt, placed his carpet bag on the bare boards of the corridor, and opened its neck up wide.

And new floors, if the creaking boards beneath his boots as he’d climbed the two flights had been any indication.