“BLUR” in italiano


altre traduzioni

apparenza confusa
cloud fog obscure blur mist become foggy
fare confusione
clutter blur



indistinct shape smudge haze cloud mist


cloud fog obscure dim make hazy unfocus soften bedim blear


As a precaution, he trusted to the glamours of a Tyn-made amulet to blur the memories of those who did.

The space between them went taut, the sounds of the exercising priestesses fading into nothing, the sky an azure blur above, the wind a distant caress on her cheeks—“You too, Archeron,” he ordered, pointing to where Emerie and Gwyn now exercised, apparently doing their best not to laugh.

And her feet …One spin after another after another, moving across the now-empty dance floor like a night storm, Nesta’s slipper-clad feet danced so fast they were a near blur.

He hit Shonda’s gondola like a ball from a cannon, ripped it off its chains and fell on, and all the Vespinese saw was a blur and a mighty shape and a gondola that was hanging in the air one moment and gone the next, while the heart of the glasship above cracked and then shattered into fragments.

He forgave her though, five minutes later when he found she’d had his bath prepared when she’d seen him coming; and the next few hours were a blur of warmth and pain and Xizic resin and Kalaiya and relief that no one was here to hang him yet, all a little marred by a lethargic dread of what was yet to come.

They passed the gate in a blur of colour.

A blur of steel buried itself in Brauctha’s shoulder.

His vision began to blur and the sound of the rain seemed to come from a great distance.

The sharp slice of metal moved like a blur.

”She’d forgotten that night, the blur of jewels and silks and that duke’s handsome face.