“BIRTH” in italiano


altre traduzioni

birth origin nativity
birth childbirth delivery parturition trouble
origin source rise birth beginning cause
stock family offspring ancestry descent birth
descent offspring issue pedigree blood birth



childbirth delivery nativity birthing blessed/happy event parturition confinement accouchement childbed


give birth bear deliver have


The artificial insemination went well, but everything after that…“Everything fell apart once the hospital I had been admitted to for the birth was destroyed in a terrorist attack.

Fortunately for them and for the rest of us, the Samim never leaves its lair, content to give birth to the endless snakes and scorpions of the world.

According to the information detailed in the briefing, the Engineer was a second-generation prepper who had been living in the shelter since birth.

Miryam doesn’t have wings and yet she’s given birth to Drakon’s children.

The cataclysm of the Splintering and the birth of the storm-dark.

“It’s not like amongst the lesser nobles where birth order is the most important factor, is it?

Today, we come together to celebrate the birth of a new nation.

Memories burst like fireworks inside her, snap-firing in dazing succession, flashed then gone again: knocking the blood-tainted glass out of Baros Tsen’s hand; the Adamantine Man in Dhar Thosis, his voice, familiar, remembered – Get off her, you fat prick – and then a moment later slipping the knife off his belt ten years earlier as the words came out of his mouth, driving it through her father’s ribs, again and again and again until he stopped, the father who thought she was nothing better than his own personal whore to share with whoever might offer him the prettiest crown; Jehal on the day he’d told her that her mother was dead, the mother who’d done nothing but birth her and then betray her; riding Diamond Eye over the flames of Dhar Thosis, deliriously out of control and yet free, a fleeting moment when she’d been mistress of her own self; the dark room of fear and despair, always waiting for her and yet always waiting for the inevitable something worse; imprisoned from birth by who she was, who she must be.

The young stay with the females after birth for about a year.

As the birth of her daughter had neared, the bond between the baby and Målingen had grown increasingly stronger.

But if Amelie was an Extinction Entity, then by giving birth to her, Bridget was responsible for why the world had collapsed in the first place.