“BANDIT” in italiano


altre traduzioni

bandit gunman outlaw gangster highwayman brigand
brigand bandit



robber thief outlaw gunman crook mugger gangster raider freebooter hijacker looter marauder bandito desperado brigand rustler highwayman reaver


He stabbed his hunting knife into one man’s back and thrust his longsword over his victim’s shoulder to take the next bandit in the eye.

He and the corpse of the bandit tumbled to the ground, landing on the blonde, while the bandit leader’s broadsword bounced to the turf next to her head.

Rew rolled to his feet and was forced to dodge as a bandit came after him, swinging two heavy cleavers like a mad butcher.

” asked the bandit leader, looking down at the girl’s feet.

”The girl hissed in frustration, but Rew could see the bandit leader wouldn’t budge.

” asked the bandit.

Rew jumped to his feet, turned from the wounded bandit leader and the fingerless axe man, and charged the spellcaster.

The sharp steel of the thrown dagger caught the bandit leader in the shoulder, spinning him, while the other blade thunked into the seated man’s throat.

Since all bandits knew from experience that no bandit if caught would ever arrive at a police-station alive, people—yes, even mere boys—could walk the streets with bags filled to the brim with gold coins on their shoulders without being accompanied, and they would bring home the money surer than in an armored car in the United States.

Looked at closely, there was not a trace in his face or anywhere about him to remind one of a bandit.

Who would be so stupid as to take a bandit to a hospital to be cured and made fit once more to follow his trade?