The mayor said a dozen Ave Marias for the soul of the slain.
At every church on his way he had to kneel down and say three hundred Ave Marias and to offer the church a certain number of candles, a silver eye, and money.
It should be added that the Ave Marias were practically the only prayers the chief and his family knew how to say.
The chieftain finally had to admit that it was possible that he had not always said the full number of Ave Mamas, but this was not his fault, because he was not used to such high figures and he might have skipped a few.
Perhaps he had not said three hundred Ave Marias in each church on his way; it might have happened that he had said only two hundred and eighty in some places, and he might even have skipped a few churches, being in a hurry to reach the shrine.
They all say an Ave Maria before killing you, and they will cross you and themselves before and after slaying you in the most cruel way.
Since the candles had been specially blessed in the cathedral, they were far more expensive than ordinary candles, and whenever a new one was lighted, a hundred extra Ave Marias had to be said.