“ARTEMISIA” in italiano



Silver-leafed artemisia varieties, lamb's ears and herbs, such as lavender, contribute grayish-silver foliage that are both handsome and aromatic.

Don't forget to factor white and blue into your planting scheme; both do a great job of cooling off and separating drifts of hot-colored plants, as do gray-foliaged plants such as santolina, artemisia , and dusty miller.

During an archaeological dig in the 1970s, instructions for treating malaria with an herb called wormwood, or artemisia , were found in a 2,000-year-old Chinese tomb.

Plants with leaves adapted to coping in hotter climes, the likes of rosemary, lavender, artemisias and Convolvulus cneorum, will have to be planted in well-drained soils if they are not to suffer from waterlogging in wet winters.

Good foliage plants for fillers are low-growing artemisias , dusty miller, and golden, purple, or tricolor sage.