“APPLE” in italiano


altre traduzioni

apple knob pommel knurl


He ate the apple and waited, occasionally turning his skewer so the rabbits cooked evenly, watching as their juices dripped into the fire, popping, burning, and rising on the smoke.

” His amber eyes gleamed in the shade of the apple tree.

Rew sliced another hunk from his apple and popped it into his mouth, chewing loudly.

The sleepy voice, the sharp sparkling intelligence behind it, the glasses of apple wine out on the eyrie walls in the starlight, talking about how the world might be changed.

I have a villa waiting for me there with a bath house and an apple orchard.

Shaking himself from his reflection he consumed the apple core, stalk, bitter pips and all.

He carved another slice from the apple and tossed the core into the fire.

” Vand leaned back in his chair and toyed with his apple core, his face thoughtful.

She stared at the apple wine.

An altar to old forbidden gods perhaps, that was all she could say, and Tsen had laughed and declared it as fine a place as any to build his bath and drink his apple wine.

” He twirled the apple stalk between thumb and forefinger, setting it spinning.