“ANGER” in italiano


altre traduzioni

anger rage rabies fury wrath
anger wrath rage fury temper passion
anger wrath rage ire
indignation disdain anger scorn resentment spurn
anger huff
malignancy malice malignity evil spite anger
irritate annoy anger rile provoke tease
fare arrabbiare
anger chafe
disdain despise scorn anger spurn get angry



rage vexation exasperation displeasure crossness irritation irritability indignation pique annoyance fury wrath ire outrage irascibility ill temper/humor slow burn aggravation choler


infuriate irritate exasperate irk vex peeve madden put out enrage incense annoy rub the wrong way make someone's blood boil get someone's back up make someone see red get someone's dander up rattle someone's cage make someone's hackles rise aggravate get someone rile tick off tee off burn up


” The director’s attempts to quell Sam’s anger reverberated down the hall.

” Fragile’s anger wasn’t directed toward Sam at all, but toward Higgs.

It’s just a theory, but perhaps that man who can summon BTs also summoned Cliff’s anger.

Sam’s anger must have been showing on his face, because Heartman wiggled his index finger at him to placate him and indicated toward the container.

Her shock turned to anger.

His head felt like it would explode out of pain and anger.

” No trace of that red-hot anger had remained on his face this morning when she’d walked into the breakfast room.

Lou’s cries were so full of fear and anger that it was almost like they would shatter the pod.

My anger at your escapes help enliven this endless night.

The anger made it easier to hear the Noiesni blather softly on, “like a song… like a poem… and in a moment, between Canopus and Vega, you dream the summits of a thousand dreams; from Rigel to Altair you swing by an invisible cord, and the chords you hear heal the demon-dark emptiness, fill it with nebulae and light more subtle…”And Thump, smiling, interrupted him, “and your foot on a fuzz box that makes your room scream like an empty parkin’ garage, you fall and fall and fall until your life’s hangin’ from one note…”From his pocket Sh’tka’heh cautiously pulled what looked like a debit card, but as crystalline as the chandelier.

If Higgs was harnessing Cliff’s anger and summoning the battlefield to get in the way of Sam’s mission, it seemed like a very roundabout method.