“ALWAYS” in italiano


altre traduzioni

always ever forever still all the time evermore



every time each time at all times all the time without fail consistently invariably regularly habitually unfailingly


My daddy always told me two things: Your friends will kill you for the right price, and every bad guy likes to think of himself as good,” Seven said.

I’ve always wanted to play detective.

It was almost always that way.

I remembered your wish for us: that we’d always be able to find our way back to each other.

She’d always had the gift, if it could be called that.

‘I’m the slave you’ve always known.

You always knew,” Sam said.

What always strikes me most is the power in his words.

“I don’t have time to teach you much, but if an ayre is coming straight at you, and there’s a narjag on its back holding a spear, always jump to the opposite side of the spear.

But what I want—what I have always wanted—is to be a part of it.

”“And isn’t it always his burros that, goddamn it, won’t march in line, and stray off and smash their packs against the trees, trying to get them off their funking backs?