“AFTERWARD” in italiano


altre traduzioni

then later after finally next afterward



later later on subsequently then next after this/that thereafter at a later time/date in due course


“Any weapons she touches must be buried afterward.

But the War—the one five hundred years ago—wiped out most of them, and the few survivors were elderly enough to quickly fade into old age and die afterward.

He had been the one to follow her and betray her, only to go and swear allegiance to her all over again afterward.

Beyond the disastrous consequences for Mor after their night together, the fallout with Rhys afterward had been awful, and Azriel had been so furious in his own quiet way that Cassian had quelled any further desire for Mor.

But she wouldn’t let him win this one, not when this had somehow become a competition for who could make the other come first, so she whispered, “I love being so covered in your seed that it leaks out of me for ages afterward.

It was sometime afterward when she came to see the Beach littered with crosses.

He probably knew everything that had already transpired and what would happen afterward.

The problem now was what came afterward.

It was only afterward that Higgs realized how great a contradiction his feeling of relief was.

Everything afterward had only gotten worse.

Nesta broke into a flat-out sprint toward the tree with the knife, the male launching into movement only a heartbeat afterward.