“ACHILLEAS” in italiano



Backed by a yew hedge are dozens of neatly planted rows of achilleas , euphorbias, iris and violas among others.

The species achillea , or common yarrow produces white flowers but hybrids now burst into terracotta, yellow, pink and cerise clusters - fabulous against their feathery grey foliage.

Flat topped flowerheads like achillea and open daisy-like flowers such as Michaelmas daisies are particularly attractive to insects and butterflies as they are very visible and accessible.

The poorer the soil and the older the lawn, the better will be the flower display, but most park lawns will contain self-heal, daisy, achillea , and cat's-ear.

‘In the past, I have cut my yellow achillea before the flowers have faded, and found that it keeps its colour beautifully when dried,’ Annemarie says.